


ACC Information



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Ownership and commitment incorporating the pursuit of sustainable activities.


Member schools are required:

(i) to take all necessary measures to achieve the aim of the Association (ii) to abide by the provisions of the Constitution.


The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by the Association Council, the Executive Committee, the Sub-Association Councils, the Sports Management Committee, Sub-Association Management Committees, Para Management Committee and variously appointed Sub-Committees.


Member schools are required to give twelve months notice at the Annual General Meeting of the Association Council or of the Sub-Association Council of intention to withdraw from the Association or the Sub-Association or from an activity organised by the Association or Sub-Association.


The basis of funding involves ‘core costs’ and ‘user pays’ related costs. Member schools are required to make such annual payments in the form of affiliation fees to the Association as are set by Council at the General Meeting. Additional expenses incurred by a Sub-Association are met by members of the Sub-Association. Country members do not pay affiliation fees. Similarly, they only pay a reduced fee (as compared to metropolitan schools) generated by that individual activity. The purpose of these concessions is to assist country schools to cover travel costs in attending events.

  Attendance at Meetings

Constitutionally, member schools are required to have representation at all formal meetings of Council (Principals) and Committees of the Association (Sports Coordinators). Attendance at meetings is the responsibility of these representatives i.e. if a Principal is unable to attend a meeting, the school’s Deputy Principal is to represent the Principal. If the Sports Coordinator is unable to attend a meeting, a member of the physical education or sports department is to represent the Sports Coordinator.

  Quorum at Meetings

At all meetings of the association, a quorum shall be one third of the member schools.

  Voting at Meetings

The President and Chairperson at SMC meetings have the right to vote, provided that each member school has one vote. The Director of Sport does not vote at meetings. In cases of motions-on-notice, members at non-metropolitan schools may submit an absentee vote in writing. Council meeting motions shall be decided by a 2/3 majority of members present e.g. minimum numbers for a majority = two thirds of 18 = 12 for a majority.

At Executive, Sub-Association Council, Sports Management Committee and Para Management meetings, motions shall be decided by a majority of members present.