St Sebastian Fellowship Award Nomination Form



ACC Information




"Spirit" Service Awards


St Sebastian Fellowship Award


St Sebastian Fellowship Award Nomination Form

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Nominations for the St Sebastian Fellowship Award may be submitted by any member school Principal or Sports Coordinator using the online nomination form.  The due date for nominations is Wednesday 18 September 2024.

All nominations must:

  • be nominated by an independent proposer and seconder and cannot be "self-nominated". The St Sebastian Fellowship award requires "nominee confidentiality" and the nominee should not be advised of their nomination for the award by the proposer.
  • include supporting information detailing the nominee’s involvement with ACC Sport. This supporting documentation can be attached as a file with this form submission or be emailed/posted to the ACC after the form is submitted. Nominations will not be considered until the supporting information is received by the ACC President or Director of Sport.
  • be supported and seconded by at least one other member school Principal or Sports Coordinator
  • if the nomination is made by a Principal then the seconder must be a Sports Coordinator and vice versa
  • nominations should include at least three digital photos of the nominee, preferably at different stages of their involvement in ACC sport
  • all sections of the form marked with a red * must be completed before submission
  • nominations should be strictly confidential and submitted without the knowledge of the nominee.

The St Sebastian Fellowship Award is open to any individual who has been exceptionally meritorious and long standing in their involvement and support of ACC sport. Nominees can be employees of member schools, employees of the ACC or community officials engaged or contracted by the ACC or a member school to support ACC sport.

To be considered for nomination an individual must have contributed across numerous facets of the organisation (and been a strong contributor in each area), and have been significantly involved in the development of the organisation. It should be considered that the nominee has completed a minimum of fifteen (15) years service involvement with ACC sport or has made such a contribution as to be deemed ‘exceptional’.

The St Sebastian Fellowship Award can be retrospective and the award bestowed upon individuals who are retired and not currently employed or actively engaged in ACC activities and events. Years of active service prior to 2013 can be counted towards the total service record. Service years can be cumulative across ACC schools/employers.