General Information



ACC Information


General Information

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Carnival Officials and Support Staff

It is agreed by the Council of Principals that the initial consideration of appointment of school staff to officiate at carnivals is that the staff member is suitable for the task. Other factors e.g. inconvenience to and the re-scheduling of staff teaching timetables are subsequent to the initial consideration.

It is also agreed that schools will assist the process of staffing carnivals in addition to the carnival in the series that they are participating in. This agreement is made due to the constraints of staffing lower divisions of carnival for the smaller population and country schools.

In situations where a central pool of competent external officials is formed, members have agreed to pay relief wages or allowances to those officials in lieu of supplying staff from their schools. If a central pool is not formed, or only a proportion of the required numbers are obtained, the original arrangements are to be met.

To assist the efficient management of events, a core of key officials e.g. marshals, arena manager, starter, referee and computer operator etc, are to be engaged wherever possible for each consecutive day in the series of carnival.

Conflict Resolution

Matters arising from activities conducted under the direct control of the ACC often fall into two fundamental categories:

Those requiring....

(i) Association resolution.... often involving third parties or when resolution determines the intervention of an arbitrator or when the rules and regulations are in question.

(ii) Needing school to school resolution.... often dealt with at the Principal to Principal level or at the HOD/Sports Coordinator level.

If the Director of Sport determines the need, a ‘Disputes Committee’ (from members of the Sports Management Committee) is to be assembled to resolve matters of question. Appeals are not considered.

Representative Teams

The ACC provides the opportunity for students to be nominated, trialled and selected to represent the Association in a variety of teams (Cricket, Netball, Hockey, Hockey, Touch and Soccer).

The Association is reliant on ‘proposals’ (and subsequent proposals for the same team) from staff in member schools to propose the formation of a team. This must occur on an annual basis i.e. teams are not formed automatically. Further to the acceptance of the formation of a team by Executive, nominations are called for Managers, Coaches, Selectors and Support Staff from within member schools and student nominations for trials.

Teams may be involved in domestic, country, interstate and international fixtures, tournaments and tours. Students are expected to individually meet the costs of involvement in team activities. Fund-raising may be entered into to allay costs. Types of teams formed:Active – through which actual fixtures are played.Honorary – to recognise the excellence of performance in cases where competitions do not exist for teams to participate in e.g. athletics, swimming and cross country. 

Inter-Zone Finals

Inter-zone finals are played in summer and winter inter-school sport at central venues between the Southern Associated Schools and the Northern Associated Schools for Year 11/12 students. Interzone finals are at the discretion of SAS & NAS schools.

Equipment Centre

The ACC has constructed an equipment center to house all event equipment. The on-campus site has been kindly supplied by John XXIII College. The equipment is held for the sole use by students at major events; it is not hired or loaned out.

Carnival Divisions

Swimming and Athletics Carnivals are conducted on a divisional model and cater for all levels of involvement within the Association. Elevation and relegation occurs between Carnival divisions. Click here to view current ACC divisions for swimming & athletics.


Records are set across all Carnivals and are recognised by certificates to the students. swimming & athletics.

Types of Carnivals

Swimming (A-G Divisions), Athletics (A-G Divisions), Cross Country, Lightning Carnivals (Yr 7 - Yr 10), Summer and Winter sports.


Carnivals and events are conducted to include opportunities for students with intellectual and/or physical disabilities.