Inclusive Sports Beach Carnival



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Inclusive Sports Beach Carnival

Monday, 19 February, 2018 (All day)
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Inclusive students attended their 4th Beach Carnival on Friday 16th February at Sorrento Beach.

Excellent weather and conditions greeted the 270 students and volunteers in the morning.


The Ironman and Iron woman events were outstanding with nearly every student participating in one of 4 ironman events.

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Attending schools provided beach and water activities throughout the morning. Keeping students busy and enjoying the beautiful conditions.

Thank you to the attending Notre Dame students who volunteered their time to assist in the water and to La Salle College students who helped with the activities on the day.

All attending staff and students received a BBQ lunch in the Sorrento SLSC courtyard. Thank you to the parents of Sacred Heart who provided their time to cook the 300 hot dogs!

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