Timing Chip Order & Student Supervisor





Cross Country




Timing Chip Order & Student Supervisor

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Timing Chip Order

All schools participating in the Cross Country carnival are to complete the timing Chip order by the 2 May 2024

The maximum number of students competing at the carnival is 64 for a coed school and 32 for a single gender school. This equates to 6 runners per event for U13, U14, U15, U16 and 8 runners per event for U19. 

Schools need to estimate how close they will be to this number based on previous years carnivals and order enough chips to cater for their team, allowing some extras for reserves/emergencies. 

If you have any students competing as Multi Class or Inclusive athletes then you will also need to order chips for these students as well. The runners are not counted in your number of runners per event; they are additional. 

Each school will be invoiced by the ACC for the number of chips they order regardless of whether they utilize them all on the day. The cost of the chips in 2024 will be $3.95. 

Schools that fail to submit a chip order by the due date will be allocated a chip quantity by the ACC based on their 2023 cross country order. 

Student Supervisor contact details

Schools are asked to provide the contact details for the staff member they have designated as their official student supervisor. This is required for urgent contact with the school regarding student management/behaviour, injury or illness, disqualification/disputes, or age group verification.

Schools may nominate more than one staff member if this is appropriate.