ACC All Stars Swimming Team Selection 2020



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ACC All Stars Swimming Team Selection 2020

Friday, 27 March, 2020 - 15:50
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As the swimming carnivals did not take place this year, the ACC has decided to continue with the selection of an All Stars Swimming Team for 2020.  The selection process will obviously differ to previous years, however should schools participate according to the conditions set below, a team can be still selected.  

The ACC trusts that schools will be honest about the results they are submitting, and that the association motto of “Sport in the Right Spirit” is strongly adhered to.  

It should be noted that this is “optional” and not all schools are expected to participate.  It is designed for schools who have students that may have qualified for the All Stars Swimming Team in 2020, and potentially for ACC Letters in swimming.  Students who are in their final year at school, and only have one more year to qualify for Letters will be given a chance to be selected for their fourth year. 

 The Selection Process should proceed under the following conditions;

1.  ACC schools have been provided with a Virtual Swim Program to enter the names and performances of students in their relevant event. This file is available on the ACC website at 

 **Please note, this file is a merged document so DO NOT change any formats or delete any columns/rows.  Just enter the data in the fields relevant to your school and save the entire document.**

Schools do not need to have an entry for every event, only those where student/s may have a chance at qualifying for all stars.  This must be completed and emailed to by Friday 8 May. 

2.     Times MUST be taken from a 50m pool performance, using an electronic timing system.  Hand times on stop watch are not acceptable.  25m pool (short course) results are not acceptable.

3.    Performances should be taken from either of the following sources;

a) School interhouse carnival

b) Swimming WA meets or Swimming WA member club meets from 1 January 2020 (if interhouse carnivals were not conducted with an electronic timing system)

4.     The ACC penalty ruling for participating in both the 100m & 50m freestyle events will not apply which means student times can be entered into both events.

5.    Age groups will include U13, U14, U15, U16, U17 and U19 (Open).  Schools from E-J divisions will need to enter their student performances in their actual age group.  See age classification chart

6. UR 100m freestyle events will not exist in the program.  Schools from G-J divisions will need to enter their student performances in their actual age group for this event.

7. There will be no relay events included in the program, however, students will be selected in the 4 x 50m F/S and medley events for the all-stars team based on their individual event performance.

8. There will be no ACC swimming records in 2020. 

If you are unsure of how to manage the data in the file provided, or have any queries, feel free to contact Suzie Ehlers on 0400 252 112 for further clarification.  Given that schools are busy with the online transition of education, the ACC has allowed some time for schools to complete this task by Friday 8 May.