ACC Sport COVID Update 27-4-21 to 30-4-21



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ACC Sport COVID Update 27-4-21 to 30-4-21

Tuesday, 27 April, 2021 - 11:00
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·         Interschool sport fixtures can be played during the interim period this week 27/4 - 30/4. However, spectators are not allowed, and students/staff MUST wear masks before and after matches and while travelling. COVID hygiene practices must be implemented.


If interschool games are scheduled at external venues, then schools must comply with venue requirements for capacity (20 person limit), social distancing, and hygiene.


ACC advice during the interim period this week is to only play interschool games at school venues. 


If Perth schools are scheduled to play games outside of Perth and the Peel area, travel is allowed by the Government, but not allowed for Catholic schools without an exemption from CEWA. 


ACC schools that do allow staff and students to travel for sport fixtures will be required to wear masks while travelling and at the regional venue. 



ACC Lightning Carnivals are planned for next week on Mon 3 May and Wed 5 May. This is subject to the removal of COVID restrictions in place during the interim period this week and approval from venue operators. If restrictions will be lifted the events could proceed. However, given the uncertainty of the restrictions next week and the timeline, the ACC has decided at this time to postpone the Year 7 Lightning Carnival on Monday 5th May. The event will be rescheduled for later in the year – TBA.


At this stage, the Year 8/9 Lightning Carnival on Wed 5th May could potentially continue If restrictions are lifted. The ACC is checking with schools and venue providers as to the best approach with this event on Wednesday, either to go ahead or postpone to later in the year. ACC will advise schools ASAP about the Year 8/9 event.