Aranmore Catholic College were the winners of today's D Division carnival at the WA Athletics Stadium.
In what was the final carnival of the ACC series, the gap between 1st and 2nd place was just one point of the halway mark of the relays. We also congratulate runner's up, La Salle College, who pushed Aranmore to the very end. Lumen Christi followed closely behind in 3rd position.
D Division Category Champion Schools:
Junior Girls - John Paul College
Junior Boys - Aranmore Catholic College
Senior Girls - Aranmore Catholic College
Senior Boys - Lumen Christi College
Overall Male - Aranmore Catholic College
Overall Female - Kennedy Baptist College
Age Champions
Girls U19 Emma Kempson (Kennedy) Boys U19 Jacob Edington (Lumen Christi)
Girls U16 Angelina Kosta (Ursula Frayne) Boys U16 Jensen Harders (Mercy)
Girls U15 Madeline Wright (La Salle) Boys U15 Thomas Webb (Ursula Frayne)
Girls U14 Mirica Coetzee (Quinns) Boys U14 Longoatu Jr Vaka (Aranmore)
Girls U13 Miia Velthuysen (La Salle) Boys U13 Daniel O’Reilly (Aranmore)
New Records
Boys U19 MC (TO1) 1500m 2:15.20 Josh Reeve (Quinns Baptist College)
All the results from the D Division Athletics Carnival are available on the ACC website at Carnivals – Athletics – Results.
Post Carnival
It is ACC carnival policy that results are not final until three working days after the carnival. Within this period schools are asked to scrutinize all the results and report any errors/disputes to the ACC office. The ACC will investigate all disputes and if valid, results will be changed accordingly.
Age Champions, All Star Team & Record breakers
The ACC does not announce individual age championship winners at the carnivals. Winners will receive a certificate of acknowledgment. Following the series of carnivals, the ACC will compare all results and select an honorary All Star team of the best performers in each event across all carnival divisions. Students selected in the All Star team will receive a certificate and badge of acknowledgment from the ACC. Any student that sets or equals a record at an ACC carnival will also be presented with a certificate of acknowledgement after the carnivals.
Thank you to all schools for their participation in the carnival.