Recognition Award



ACC Information




"Spirit" Service Awards


Recognition Award

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This award may be given to an individual that has made a significant and long standing contribution to ACC sport. The recognition award is an acknowledgement and appreciation of continuing and substantial involvement in ACC sport over an extended period. To qualify the nominee needs to have met the following service criteria:

2.1: currently be either of the following;

  • employed by an ACC member school as a Principal, sports coordinator or staff member
  • an employee of the ACC
  • engaged or contracted by a member school or the ACC office as an official, coach or support personnel at an ACC event or activity.


2.2: have been or achieved at least one of the following;

  • an Executive Committee Member for a full term of service (4 consecutive years)
  • a key contributor to the delivery or support of a major ACC event or activity over an extended period of time (at least 4 years).


2.3: demonstrated active support of the ACC maxim and mission statement.

  • Applicants must provide supporting evidence of their involvement in ACC sport and support for the maxim and mission statement. Supporting information can be submitted with the nomination form as a file attachment or separately via email or post.


  • Nominations for the ACC Recognition Award may be submitted by any member school Principal or Sports Coordinator, on the appropriate on-line nomination form, and must be received by the ACC prior to the end of August in the year of qualification or nomination.
  • All nominations must include supporting evidence and this can be submitted with the on-line form or separately via post or email.
  • The award will be a certificate presented at an appropriate forum. It would also be suitable for the recipient to be acknowledged at a school assembly.
  • Recognition awards will not be presented retrospectively and can only be awarded to individuals who are currently employed by the ACC or a member school and are actively engaged in ACC activities and events. Individuals that are no longer employed or engaged in a member school or ACC sport but have made a significant contribution to ACC sport over many years can still be eligible for the award of merit fellowship award but not recognition awards.
  • Years of active service prior to 2013, the year the awards were first introduced, can be counted towards the total service record. Service years can be cumulative across ACC schools/employers.
  • The recognition award is not self-nominated and requires an independent proposer, seconder and Principal approval. The recognition award does not require "nominee confidentiality" and the nominee may or may not be advised of the nomination for the award by the proposer.

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