Multi Class / inclusive athletic events







Multi Class / inclusive athletic events

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ACC students with a disability can compete in the ACC Divisional Athletics Carnival, on the appropriate day for their school.  All students are welcome to compete whether they are Multi Class (classified) or Inclusive (non classified) athletes. The ACC recognises there are athletes with a disability, who have been identified by the school as athletically talented but are yet to commence their athletic journey with coaching and club competition, however would benefit from competing at a higher level of a divisional carnival.  These athletes can be nominated as an INCLUSIVE athlete, for the ACC division athletics carnival.

** Sports Coordinators / Educators, as they would for any athlete, are to take careful consideration before nominating an inclusive athlete into an event(s) at an ACC divisional athletics carnivals **


Multi Class and inclusive athletes can compete in all eight (8) events being   100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, Shot Put, Long Jump, High Jump


Multi Class and inclusive athletes will compete and be timed/measured within their own age/gender event.


Multi Class athletes will have their results measured against the latest MDS for these event/s. 


An inclusive athletes result(s) WILL NOT count towards their schools overall tally of points.   An inclusive athlete does not qualify for ACC All Stars selection.

**  Inclusive students are encouraged to participate in the Inclusion Athletics Carnival which is a separate event. **


A multi class athlete will only have their results counting towards their schools overall tally of points, if they are competing in their respective age group, for their athletic event(s)


Multi Class athletes, will be considered for selection in the ACC All Stars Athletics team.  When there are multiple Multi Class competitors with the same classification/gender and age in the same athletic event, the athlete with the highest percentage score with the MDS will be deemed the winner of the Multi Class event. The Multi Class event winner will be selected in the ACC All Stars Athletics team


Multi Class and inclusive athletes will report to their nominated athletic event, as per normal marshalling procedures at the Athletics Carnivals. The athletes will marshal and compete within their age group in the Div II events where possible.


For track events, athletes will compete in the outside lane (9 or 12) which is usually left empty. However, if they have already qualified as part of the school athletics team, they would remain in their designated school lane. If there are no free lanes in an event, then an extra event will be added to the program to enable these athletes to compete


For field events the Multi Class and inclusive athletes will be the last competitor in the tries order. However, if they have already qualified as part of the school athletics team, they would take up their designated school tries order.



All students that wish to compete must complete the Multi Class nomination form by 18th August. Please complete a new form for each student being nominated.  If the classification has not been applied for, or has been but not yet confirmed, then the athlete can still nominate. In this case add INCafter the code when nominating to designate inclusive.  

Note: The Multi Class and inclusive athletes must also be nominated along with the rest of the school athletics team and included in the submission of team list so that they are allocated a competitor number by the ACC. Check the competitors code with your Head of Sport.



Please complete the online nomination for any competitors competing as a Multi Class or inclusive athlete.




Classification process should be commenced early if you wish for your students to compete at the ACC Athletic carnivals. Great opportunities are available for any athletes that are classified and wishing to be a part of your mainstream interschool carnival. Please use below link for Athletics classification.



Athletics Australia classification link :

Feel free to get in touch with the Para Classification Coordinator from Athletics Australia for more guidance and support 

E | 

P | 03 8646 4550.


Physical Classification for Physical Impairments Only

All information regarding classification is listed on Athletics Australia website:

Vision (Provisional)

Information to be sent to:

Intellectual (National – no provisional)

Information to be sent to: Inclusion Australia (details below)


Deaf (National – no provisional)

Information to be sent to: Deaf Sports Australia

(P) 03 9473 1191



Types of Classification in Australia

There are a range of disability groups eligible to compete within the Australian athletics system as an athlete with a disability. These disability groups are separated into varying classifications to ensure fair competition.

The classification groups are as follows:

·         T/F 01 Hearing impairment (Deaf Sport classes)

·         T/F 11-13 Visual impairment (Paralympic Classes)

·         T/F 20 Intellectual impairment (Paralympic Classes)

·         T/F 31-34 Athletes with hypertonia, ataxia or athetosis who compete sitting (Paralympic Classes)

·         T/F 35-38 Athletes with hypertonia, ataxia or athetosis who compete standing (Paralympic Classes)

·         Cerebral Palsy & Acquired Brain Injury (Paralympic Classes)

·         T/F 40-41 Athletes with Short Stature (Paralympic Classes)

·         T/F 42-46 & T47 Athletes with limb deficiency, muscle weakness or joint restrictions who compete standing (Paralympic Classes)

·         T 51-54 Wheelchair (Track Events) (Paralympic Classes)

·         F 51-57 Wheelchair (Field Events) (Paralympic Classes)

·         T/F 60 Transplant Recipients (Transplant Sport classes)

Each disability group has a set of minimal disability criteria that an athlete must meet in order to be eligible to compete as an athlete with a disability. Athletes must undergo specific Athlete Evaluation or Eligibility processes to obtain a classification.


Any queries, please contact Cherie Pirnie (Sport Operations Manager, Inclusion) via email or phone.

E |

P | ACC Office: (08) 9278 0218