ACC cancels all Swimming Carnivals



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ACC cancels all Swimming Carnivals

Friday, 13 March, 2020 - 14:56
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Following the earlier advisory today from The Prime Minister, the ACC Executive has reviewed the advice and decided to cancel the Interschool Swimming Carnivals for 2020.This decision was made after further consultation with other school sport associations and feedback from some ACC Principals. It has been decided that ACC sporting events are not essential school activities and as such they should not go ahead. The IGSSA also made the decision today to cancel their swimming carnival planned for tonight.ACC Executive have decided to cancel all swimming carnivals regardless of whether they are above or below the 500 person level. The ACC and member schools have a duty of care to not only the students in our schools, but also to ensure that students are not exposed to COVID19 and then potentially pass the virus onto other members of the community. The reasoning behind the updated Government position is to try and slow the spread of the virus and the ACC needs to adhere to this advisory and play our part in reducing the spread of this pandemic in the wider community. At this time the ACC decision only impacts the swimming carnivals, but further consideration will be given to the status of other ACC sporting events in term 1 and whether these will also be cancelled. The Government advice around COVID19 is very fluid and the ACC will monitor all advice and update schools accordingly.