COVID-19 WA Roadmap - Phase 2 - School Sport



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COVID-19 WA Roadmap - Phase 2 - School Sport

Monday, 11 May, 2020 - 09:59
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The WA Government yesterday released the “COVID-19 WA Roadmap” to provide guidance to Western Australians.


Information is available online at While community sport is broadly referenced, there will hopefully be further guidance released by Government in the coming days in preparation for Phase 2. Phase 2 commences on the 18 May and Phase 3 should commence around the 18 June.


COMMUNITY SPORT – at this time the ACC is working on the assumption that the restrictions on community sport also apply to school sport in interschool and intraschool (house) settings.


Phase 2: 18 May


Sporting activities that are non-contact and involve no more than 20 participants are allowed. This includes children’s sports.


This includes non-contact training for sports that would ordinarily involve contact (such as hockey, basketball, football, soccer and netball).


Contact sports remain a prohibited activity.


Minimal shared equipment should be used and must be cleaned frequently.


The space you’re playing in must be big enough to provide at least 4 square metres per person and participants should practice social distancing by keeping 1.5 metres from other people.


Groups of people playing sports in parks should take care to keep a safe distance from other groups using the park.


Public change-rooms remain closed, but toilets remain open.


Indoor and outdoor fitness and dance classes allowed, with a 20 person limit.


Community centres and facilities may reopen with a 20 person limit.


Phase 3: 18 June – subject to health advice.


Resuming community contact sport, with gathering limits.


Further increase to non-work gathering limits.


Restrictions further relaxed for indoor sports centres.


The ACC will keep all schools updated when information additional  becomes available