Inclusive Indoor Soccer Carnival



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Inclusive Indoor Soccer Carnival

Friday, 9 June, 2017 (All day)
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Six ACC schools took part inthe first of two Soccer Carnvals at Lords Sports Centre in Subiaco.

Assisted by SEDA students throughout the day, the particpants had a highly competitive day with many scoring goals.

Next term schools will have the opportunity to particpate in the indoor soccer carnival or the competitve NO LIMITS outdoor soccer carnival which will be held at Pat Goodridge Reserve, Wembley.This event will be held during Week 4 Friday 11th August, 2017.

Below are the points for todays games:

Emerging Competition

Kolbe CC  11 points

Mandurah CC  9 points

Prendiville CC  8 points

Ursula Frayne  8 points

Lumen Christi   4 points

Established Competition

Kolbe CC  12 points

Lumen Christi  10 points

Prendiville CC   8 points

Mercedes 1    6 points

Mercedes 2   4 points