Year 10 AFL Carnival Winners - 9 August 2023



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Year 10 AFL Carnival Winners - 9 August 2023

Thursday, 10 August, 2023 - 15:30
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Congratulations to the following schools on winning their year 10 AFL carnivals on Wednesday 9 August. We had much better weather on this day and some very close games.

It was great to see Nagle Catholic College travelling from Geraldton to participate in a divisional carnival. Well done to the teachers who organized the trip and to the boys for representing their school. 

The South West carnivals were rescheduled due to poor weather last week.  Mandurah Catholic College won both the boys' and girls' competition. They will now compete in the Division 1 carnivals on Wednesday 16 August.

Boys Division 3 - Nagle Catholic College

Girls Division 3 - Kennedy Baptist College

Girls Division 4 - John XXIII College

Fixtures and results can be viewed via the following link:

Year 10 AFL Carnivals

File 13202

File 13203

File 13204