St Sebastian Fellowship Award



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Spirit Service Awards


St Sebastian Fellowship Award

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The St Sebastian Fellowship is an award of merit bestowed by the ACC upon any person whose service to the Association or member school has been exceptionally meritorious and long standing. Through their work with ACC sport and in pursuit of its mission, the recipient must exemplify the spirit of St Sebastian; strength, endurance, perseverance, courage and justice.

To be considered for the nomination, an individual must have contributed significantly across numerous facets of the association and been involved in its development. The nominee must have completed a minimum of fifteen (15) years’ service with ACC sport or has made such a contribution as to be deemed ‘exceptional’.

The St Sebastian Fellowship award requires an independent proposer and seconder, and nominee confidentiality. It can be retrospective and bestowed upon individuals who are retired and not currently employed or actively engaged in ACC activities and events. Nominations may be made by any ACC member Principal, Sports Coordinator or the Director of Sport and must be supported by at least one other member school Principal or Sports Coordinator.

The award should be considered a lifetime service to ACC sport. Preparation of the award nomination should be a school responsibility. Nominations should be coordinated by the school Principal with input from senior management, Sport/PE staff (past and present) and the school PR/media officer.

Upon receipt of a nomination for the St Sebastian Fellowship Award, the ACC President shall invoke a four (4) member sub-committee to assess the nomination and make recommendation to the ACC Executive Committee of Council. The sub-committee will include the President (or Director of Sport) of the ACC, one serving member of the ACC Executive Committee, one Sports Coordinator (if not the Executive Committee Member), one Principal (if not the Executive Committee Member) and a representative of the ACC St Sebastian Fellowship group.

Nominations open Monday 11 August and close Wednesday 24 September 2025.

Recipients of the award will:

  • be presented with a certificate, lapel badge and citation at an appropriate forum
  • become a member of the ACC St Sebastian Fellowship group
  • receive a complimentary invitation to the annual ACC awards function

The St Sebastian Fellowship Award is acknowledged as superior to all other ACC awards.