The aim of the Associated and Catholic Colleges of WA (ACC) is to provide quality sport and recreation activities that cater to all levels of student ability. The Inclusive Sports Program (ISP) is integral to the ACC mission and provides Year 7 - 12 students with a disability equitable access to sporting and recreational opportunities. The program is specifically targeted at students whose disabilities may hinder their inclusion in school based or inter-school sporting events.
PEER SUPPORT STUDENTS are welcome to attend events, to encourage and mentor participates, creating maximum engagement for all involved. Refer to individual event operations manual for information surrouding peer support students.
ALL SCHOOLS WILL BE NOTIFIED VIA EMAIL, WHEN NOMINATIONS FOR EACH EVENT OPEN. Dates and locations may be subject to change dependant on venue availability.
INCLUSIVE SPORTS PROGRAM OPERATIONS MANUAL is the programs overarching manual, with information regarding host and deputy host schoools, general conditionals of participation and the Inclusive Sports Committee (ISC).
EVENT operations manuals, nomination forms, programs and results are located within each respective event.
If you have any questions regarding Inclusive Sports, please contact:
Cherie Pirnie
Sport Operations Manager, Inclusion (ACC)
0447 502 248