An athlete would seek classficiation if they wish to compete at either club, regional, state or national level. Classification allows for athletes to compete in a fair environment by grouping them accoring to their classification.
The Associated and Catholic Colleges of WA (ACC) provide both classified (multi-class) and non-classified (inclusive) athletes, the opportunity to compete in the ACC Divisional Swimming, Athletics Cross Country carnivals. Students compete alongside members of their interschool athletics team, within their own age/gender. Please refer to the individual carnival Operations Manuals for more information regarding each event.
NOTE : ACC divisional carnivals are competitive events and Sports Coordinators should take careful consideration before nominating an inclusive athlete for these events.
Para-Athletics & Multi Class Competitions | Australian Athletics
DISABILITY SPORT AUSTRALIA https://www.sports.org.au/
SPECIAL OLYMPICS AUSTRALIA https://www.specialolympics.com.au/wa
SPORT INCLUSION AUSTRALIA (Intellectual disabilities): https://www.sportinclusionaustralia.org.au/
WA DISABLED SPORTS ASSOCIATION (WADSA) https://www.wadsa.org.au/
If you have any questions or require assistance in supporting the process of completing a mutli-class submission for your student(s), please do not hesitate to contact,
Cherie Pirnie
Sport Opertions Manager, Inclusion
0447 502 248