General Information





Inclusive Sports Program


ISP Athletics Carnival


General Information

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The 2023 Inclusive Athletics Carnival will be held Friday 8th September, 2023.

Please note: This is a participation event. Students who are classified and wish to compete or have competed in the ACC Divisional Athletics Carnivals for their school, are ineligible to compete in individual medallion events.

The venue will be McGilvgray Oval, Mt Claremont.

School Team March Past will begin at 9.45 with the first of the Track and Field events beginning at 10:00.

Students will be able to compete in Medal Events where medallions will be awarded to the winner. As well as particpate or 'Have-A-Go' in any of the Field events on offer which will commence after the medallion event has concluded.

This carnival is run in partnership with Notre Dame Students who officiate at this Carnival.

Host School: St Norbert College

 Nomination due date: Friday 18 August, 2023