File 7210

On Friday 11 August Inclusive students competed in the new NO LIMITS Soccer Program. Eight schools entered integrated (mainstream and inclusive) soccer teams to play in a carnival at Pat Goodridge Reserve, Wembley.

The annual indoor soccer carnival (Emerging Competition) also took place at Lords Sports Centre at the same time. 

Irene McCormack’s Years 11 and 12 Soccer Academy students did an outstanding job in running a coaching clinic and refereeing the competitive NO LIMITS soccer. Thank you to Damien Stefanoff from Irene McCormack, Football West and the Perth Glory for attending our inaugural NO LIMITS Soccer day. 

Participating schools 

  • La Salle College
  • Prendiville Catholic College
  • Mercy College
  • Christ Church Grammar
  • Sacred Heart College

Congratulations to the Mercy 2 team for being the highest point scoring team on the day.