ISP Swimming carnival nomination form





Inclusive Sports Program


Swimming Carnival


Nomination form

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Nomination details

To nominate for the Inclusive Swimming Carnival :

* download and complete the athletes nomination form (spreadsheet) emailed by the ACC

* ensure the above spreadsheet is uploaded to the webform field : 'PARTICIPATING STUDENT NAMES AND DETAILS' 'Choose File'

* ensure all fields within the webform are completed and select SUBMIT

* You will receive a confirmation email from the ACC.

If you do not receive an email from the ACC, then your form has not been submitted correctly, and you will need to contact Cherie Pirnie, Sport Operations Manager.

Please attach the excel nomination spreadsheet provided by the ACC

Water Polo WA will be providing students the opportunity to participate in Stroll-o-Polo (Walking Water Polo) in the 25m pool, while the 50m events are in progress.

Teams of no more than 15 players 2 games will run concurrently in the 25m pool Games run for 10 minutes each Four rounds of fixtures (refer to Operations Manual for detailed rules)

The name provided MUST BE the event day staff contact, who will be on site for the duration of the day.

The mobile number provided MUST BE the event day staff contact, who will be on site for the duration of the day. This number will not be published, but for the use of ACC Carnival Manager only.