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The ACC Girls AFL team played against the SSWA and IGSSA teams in the inaugural All Stars AFL tri-series on Friday 6 August at Claremont Oval. Although all teams had a win, the ACC claimed a victory based on ladder percentage results. Final scores were:

Round 1:

SSWA 21 def ACC 19

Round 2:

IGSSA 24 def SSWA 7

Round 3:

ACC 49 def IGSSA 18


Tara Stribley (La Salle College)

Coach's Award:

Chanel Scott (Lake Joondalup Baptist College)


Special thanks to coach Oliver Beath (All Saints'), assistant coach Jonathon Grylls (Lake Joondalup Baptist) and manager Monique Saunders (Sacred Heart) for their time and energy in selecting and managing the team.

Congratulations also to Tara Stribley (La Salle) for winning the team MVP award and to Chanel Scott (Lake Joondalup Baptist) for winning the coach's award.

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